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Welcome to the National Geograpic website on Mt Kosciuszko.


In this website you will learn a lot about this historic mountain.


Including: General information, the location, the featuresflora & fauna, the positives and negatives, the frequently asked questions, and you will see many images taken of Mt Kosciuszko.

General Information:

Mt Kosciuszko is a mountain landscape formed by granitic rocks about 500-350 million years ago. The shape of the mountain has been altered over time from uplifting, faulting, folding and erosion. It stands at 2,220m above sea level, making it the highest mountain in Australia. Mt Kosciuszko is a quarter of the size of Mt Everest, which is the tallest mountain in the world. 


It was named by a Polish explorer named Paul Edmund Strzelecki in 1840, in honour of the Polish national hero and hero of the American Revolutionary War, General Tadeusz Kościuszko, because of its perceived resemblance to the Kościuszko Mound in Krakow, Poland.

© 2014 Mt Kosciuszko. Created by Michael Lubinski & Co.

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