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1460 to 1470 - Machu Picchu was built by the Inca Emperor, Pachacuti. Pachacuti ordered Machu Picchu to be built to celebrate the defeat of the Chancas.

1471 - Inca Emperor, Pachacuti died. He was 'buried' by freezing and heating his remains.

1520 - Spanish arrived carrying Smallpox which was an unknown disease to the Incans.

1526 to 1527- Two thirds of the Incas population died from the Smallpox disease including their current Emperor who was Huayna Capac.

1527- Civil war broke out after the death of Emperor Huayna Capac

1533 - The Spanish had defeated the Incas capital which was Cusco.

1572 - Túpac Amaru, the last of the Incas and the last Emperor, was killed by the Spanish in Cusco main square, bringing the Incan empire to an end.

1911- American explorer, Hiram Bingham, went out to find the ruins of the Inca city.

July 1911 - Hiram Bingham found Machu Picchu.

1912 - Hiram Bingham found a cemetery in Machu Pucchu. His bone scientist, said that 80% of them were women. This led to Hiram Bingham thinking that this was definately the place of The Virgins of The Sun.

1964 - An adventurer named Gene Savoy, found the the ruins Hiram Bingham had set out to find.

1996-1999 - A doctor named Johan Reinhard found many Inca human sacrifices which has led to discoveries about what Machu Picchu was really built for.

2008- A man named Paolo Greer made a claim that Machu Picchu was 'discovered' 43 years before Hiram Bingham arrived by a German named Augusto Berns


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