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What time does the sun rise at Machu Picchu?


The sun rises up very early in the morning depending on how much mist and fog there is.

Are their hot springs? 


There are hot springs about a ten minute uphill walk from the centre of Aguas Calientes, up the main uphill street from the Plaza. They have recently been re-done and resemble more a municipal swimming pool (blue cement and tile) and not the natural jungle hot spring you may have in mind. 

How long will it take to visit Machu Picchu? 


For almost everyone, one day is enough to see all of Machu Picchu. However, it is a great experience and there is plenty to see if you have the extra time and don’t mind spending another $50 (the entrance ticket is only good for one day and you cannot return the next day without paying again).




Should I get a guide?


Yes, it is recommended that you get a tour guide. You can hire tur guides that can speak your language but it may cost a bit more than a tour guide that speaks English.


Is there a toilet / bathroom?

There are bathrooms just outside the park up at Machu Picchu, however you have to leave the park and then re-enter afterwards, which can take up a little time. 


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